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Ghosting: A Barrier in Relationships

He just stopped talking to me; I do not know why. I felt like I did something wrong, shared Shalini (name changed), expressing her disappointment as her best friend and romantic partner avoided communication despite her efforts.

This experience is not uncommon. Shalini began blaming herself and felt dumbstruck. Have you encountered a similar phenomenon? Wondering what this could mean?

This phenomenon is called ghosting, where one abruptly stops communication, effectively ending the relationship. Ghosting is like communication becoming invisible, disappearing without a reason. It's a form of communication breakdown.

Want to know more about it and whether the signs apply to your case?

Apart from this sign, there are other ways to tell when someone has ghosted you. They may frequently cancel plans, refuse to share personal information, rarely respond to your texts or calls, and show no interest in your conversations. Social media can be a platform where they completely cut you off.

At times, people find it difficult to have tough conversations, opting for ghosting as the easier way out.

When a person gets ghosted, they may initially justify it, saying, ‘they must have missed my text,’ but if it continues, it leads to anger. Feelings of dehumanization set in, with no explanation for the departure. Gradually, depression-like symptoms emerge, along with a sense of poor self-esteem and feelings of shame and guilt. Does this sound familiar?

Now, the question you may have is, “What do I do to deal with this situation?” I helped Shalini by emphasizing that if the other individual didn't communicate any issues, it's on them—their immaturity or irresponsibility. It can never be your fault in this scenario. The best way to deal with this is to let them go. Perhaps it was not meant to last. There are many other friends and individuals she can meet who would be willing to talk to her.

To conclude, a quote that sums it all up is, “If it’s out of your hands, it deserves freedom from your mind too,” given by Ivan Nuru. This quote tells us that the person who ghosted you is not under your control. You couldn't do anything about their reaction, but you can choose not to let them clutter your mind and make you unhappy. It is time to let that worry or sadness go away.

About Author

Diya Sharan is a final-year master’s student pursuing applied psychology and is a passionate individual striving to be a psychologist in the near future. With a keen interest in human complexities and helping individuals be their best selves, Diya explores the intricacies of emotional connections in her writing. Connect with Diya on Instagram  @creativethinker_blogger for more thought-provoking insights.



  • MBWUpmEH
    26 Mar 2024 Reply


  • MBWUpmEH
    26 Mar 2024 Reply


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